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Product Description
Lax-A-Past is a is a nutritional supplement in the form of a paste for cats with hairballs.
When cats groom themselves by licking their fur for long periods of time, many loose hairs are caught on the tongue and swallowed. This phenomenon is more common in cats that don't go outside often, and therefore don't have as many opportunities to lose hair naturally. Hair that doesn't pass through the digestive tract can gather into hairballs, which can cause digestive problems, indicated by vomiting, a dry cough, and constipation.
For oral administration to cats only.
Dosage to prevent hairballs
- Kittens (over 5 weeks): squeeze 3-6 mm of paste from the tube and let the cat lick it from the tube or from the palm of your hand, once a week
- Adult cats: 6-13 mm of paste, once a week
Dosage for removing hairballs:
- Kittens (older than 5 weeks): 13 mm of paste per day for three consecutive days
- Adult cats: 25 mm of paste per day for three consecutive days
Malt syrup, white Vaseline, glycerin, chicken liver, Arabic gum, caramel colouring, sorbic acid, propylparaben and methylparaben as preservatives, alpha-tocopherol acetate (Vitamine E). Contains 70 grams.
Lax-A-Past reviews
1 - 3 of 3 Reviews
By author, 20-15-2021Answer from Medpets
By Geoff, Thursday 23 July 2020
By Gail Smith, Wednesday 15 July 2020
By Dawn, Tuesday 9 June 2020