Protect your pet from fleas and ticks with the best products.
1 - 24 of 140 Products
Brushes, combs and fur degreasers
Short-haired cats
Having a short-haired cat doesn’t mean it can’t benefit from a good brushing. Especially in moulting periods, your cat will be grateful if you’d help him take care of his coat. This prevents your cat from swallowing too many hairs, resulting in hairballs. Not to forget, it keeps your house cleaner as well! One of the products you could use is the Nobby Grooming Glove , a massage + hair removal tool in one.
Long-haired cats
Long haired cats require a bit more attention when it comes to coat care than short-haired cats. We recommend brushing your cat daily or at least twice a weak. Long haired cats might have a beautiful coat, but it gets knotted easily which can create mats and tangled hair that it is difficult to get out. Long-haired cats also have an undercoat, which is harder for them to clean. Mats and knots are easy to get out with the Mikki Matt Breaker.
Shampoos and conditioners
We all know many cats don’t take joy out of taking a bath. Many actually despise it. Even though it’s not necessary to bathe your cat, sometimes he might be too dirty or he might have gotten in touch with dangerous fluids. Here we will explain how to bathe your cat.
- Always use a shampoo or conditioner that is made for cats or kittens. This is very important as a cat’s PH value is different from humans. Using a shampoo made for a different pH level can lead to a distortion of the natural pH levels and cause skin problems.
- Only use a small amount of water and never put your cat in a full bath.
- Wash your cat with lukewarm water.
- Instead of putting a lot of product on your cat straight away, keeping adding small amounts of shampoo and avoid your cat’s eyes and ears.
- Rinse your cat with lukewarm water and again, avoid his eyes and ears. Use your hands to remove the soap.
- Completely dry your cat and allow him to shake the water off himself.
- Keep your cat in a warm room so he dries easily and comfortably. Only let him outside when he’s completely dry.
The Dermoscent Atop 7 uses natural ingredients and helps restore dry skin. It reduces skin hypersensitivity and itching.
Coat cleaning wipes
Another way to clean your cat’s coat is by using special wipes. Maxani Chlorhexidine Wipes are Vitamin E wipes that support your pet’s skin and contribute to the skin’s natural ability to recover.
Skin Problems
Specific shampoos exist to help treat your cat’s skin problems and alleviate symptoms. Vetsend offers a wide range of cat shampoos to treat disorders such as atopic syndrome, seborrhoea, pyoderma, fleas and ticks and dry and sensitive skin. This range includes brands such as Allercalm, Allermyl, Duoxo, Demoscent, Espree and Tasman.