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Product Description
Key Features of Puur Auris:
Puur Auris are anti-inflammatory, help to soothe itching and have a cooling effect in animals with ear problems. By ear infection, we are exclusively referring to an infection of the inside of the auricle and the external auditory canal. Puur Auris are easy to use when your cat or dog has ear problems for which this product is effective. Please note that this product can only be used for external use.
Dosage and administration:
Unless otherwise recommended by a veterinarian: one to three times daily:
Recommended dose Species Optimal dose - drip into ear 1-3 times a day Dog 2 - 5 drops Cat 1 - 2 drops 20 drops = approx. 1 ml.
Unless the veterinarian prescribes otherwise, 1 - 3 times daily
Duration of treatment
The duration of treatment in an acute situation can vary from a few days to three weeks. You may continue to administer Pure Auris for a few days after you see improvement in your pet. In case of long-term discomfort, the effect is usually visible after 1 to 3 weeks. As a maintenance dosage 1-3 x per week 1 drop is sufficient.
You should visit your veterinarian if your pet is suffering from ear problems to see if the eardrum is intact. You should also visit your veterinarian straight away if your dog suddenly becomes deaf, has trouble balancing or if the ear bleeds.
Sunflower (Echinacea angustifolia), Marsh Rosemary (Ledum palustre), Common Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), Mentholum, Bladderwort (Cardiospermun halicacabum). Alcohol 27% v/v.
This product is sourced from genuine veterinary wholesalers in the Netherlands. Because of this, these items may be delivered in Dutch packaging. Besides the language on the packages, this product does not differ from the UK product in any other way.
Puur Auris reviews
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By author, 20-15-2021Answer from Medpets
By Sharon Cooper, Friday 6 July 2018