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PhytoTreat Equi-Leg
Equi-Leg has a soothing and protective effect on wounded and irritated skin which has been caused by dry or wet mud fever. Honey and medicinal plant extracts in PhytoTreat Equi-Leg support the natural healing process and ensure symptoms recede quickly. Honey helps promote recovery of wounds on the skin. The dark buckwheat honey used in Equi-Leg is selected based on its antibacterial abilities and anti-inflammatory effects. The affected area is quickly cleaned, thus ensuring a faster recovery. Equi-Leg also contains beneficial plant extracts from peony, tea tree and clove. These plant extracts can be applied directly onto the skin for a positive influence on immune responses, helping reduce the development of inflammatory reactions. This mud fever treatment comes in a handy pump bottle of 100 ml.
Equi-Leg Composition
Mel (North American buckwheat honey), Caryophylli floris aetheroleum, Paeonolum, Propionyl Acetovanillone, Melaleucae zetheroleum, Unguentum Lanette, Acidum sorbicum, Kalii sorbas, Aqua purificata.
For acute symptoms, apply twice a day. Once a day is sufficient as a maintenance treatment. Clean legs with plenty of water (possibly with an iodine scrub in order to remove dirt and dead skin cells) and dry well. In order to treat the legs properly, it is recommended you shave or clip away long hairs. Equi-leg can also be used in other places with skin irritation. Then use a gauze and apply a protective bandage around the treated area.
For external use only. The honey in Equi-Leg has a pleasant smell and taste which may cause the horse to excessively lick the treated legs or skin. Should this occur, you should cover the treated area or use Excellent Bite Stop Spray. If the leg is swollen and/or hot, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian before you start using self-care products.
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