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Product info
Dogs have a natural urge to chew. They do this to keep their teeth clean, and it reduces the risk of dental problems. In the wild, dogs' ancestors would chew the hide of animals they had hunted. Pet dogs don? generally catch their own food, but Farm Food have come up with an alternative.
The Farm Food Rawhide Dental Chips consist of dried subcutaneous connective tissue of cows (the second solid and tough layer of cowskin) which is ideal to give to your dog as something to satisfy his cravings to chew.
Dental plaque
Residue food particles can cause bad breath and plaque. This plaque is responsible for tartar on the dog's teeth. In severe cases the plaque can cause gum disease, leading to possible infections and loss of teeth.
Farm Food Rawhide Dental Chips
When your dog chews on these chips, collagen is mixed with the canine saliva. This protein is an endogenous compound which fights plaque on the teeth. In addition, there is a scouring action of the material on the teeth which ensures a thorough and visible clean of your dog's teeth. These dental chips are low in calories and therefore suitable for dogs on a diet.
Snack size
6 cm
Key features
- Fully digestible
- No harmful xenobiotic substances
- No chemical antioxidants or colourings, fragrances and flavourings
- A clean, pure and safe product
- Pure, thick bovine skin, for plenty of chewing pleasure
- Do not give to dogs that have a beef allergy
- Does not smell, stick or stain and is not slimy
- Low in calories and suitable for dogs on a diet.
Farm Food Rawhide Dental Chips reviews
1 - 5 of 7 Reviews
By author, 20-15-2021Answer from Medpets
By SusieM, Saturday 3 February 2024
By Katrine Nicol, Monday 7 September 2020
By Valerie , Wednesday 13 May 2020
By Alastair C, Wednesday 3 July 2019
By Bridie , Thursday 25 October 2018