
Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is a sensitive cat with a loving nature. It enjoys sitting on laps and being petted. This active and playful cat gets along well with other cats and even dogs. It needs plenty of space to move around. Its coat is very easy to care for.

Turkish Angora


Country of origin: Turkey
Body build: Long, slender, and well-muscled
Weight: 2.5 to 5 kg
Height: -


The Turkish Angora is a well-balanced cat that is both active and playful, yet also calm. This friendly cat gets along well with other cats and dogs. It also adapts easily to any situation. While some cats are quite sensitive to stress when travelling, the Turkish Angora usually has no particular issues with it. This extremely affectionate and sensitive breed is a true lap cat. It rarely turns down a good cuddle session. The Turkish Angora is quite talkative, but its meow is not loud. Agile and athletic, it loves to hunt and is not afraid of a little water. However, it does require plenty of space to move around. As it lacks an undercoat, a weekly brushing is sufficient.

Physical Characteristics


The most prized colour variety is white. All colours are recognised in the Turkish Angora, except chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, colourpoint, and the Burmese pattern.

Body, Legs, and Tail

The Turkish Angora has a long, slender, and well-muscled body with a straight chest. The width of the shoulders should be equal to that of the hips. The hindquarters are slightly higher than the shoulders. The bone structure is delicate. The long legs are slender, with the hind legs being longer than the front legs, ending in small, oval or round paws. Tufts of hair are visible between the toes. The Turkish Angora has a long tail that is proportionate to its body.

Head, Ears, and Eyes

The Turkish Angora has a small to medium-sized, triangular head that tapers towards the chin. The skull is fairly flat. Mature males may develop so-called ‘tomcat cheeks’. The muzzle is relatively long and only slightly rounded. The nose is straight, of medium length, and has no break. The chin is strong and slightly rounded. The ears of the Turkish Angora are large, pointed, and broad at the base. They are set high on the head and may have ear tufts and/or lynx tips. Turkish Angoras have large, almond-shaped eyes that are slightly slanted. All eye colours are recognised, provided they harmonise with the coat colour.


Turkish Angoras have a semi-long coat with a fine, silky texture. They have little to no undercoat. The fur is slightly longer around the breeches and ruff. The underbelly is also covered with longer, slightly wavy hair.