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Kurilian Bobtail
The Kurilian Bobtail has a friendly character. He gets along with other cats and pets. He is also very affectionate and loves to be cuddled. The Kurilian Bobtail shows to be an excellent hunter: He’ll chase after everything that crawls, flies or jumps.

Besides his striking appearance, the Kurilian Bobtail has a great character. He is very friendly and social and gets along with other cats and dogs. He is also very patient with children. This cat is very attached to its owner and prefers to sit on his or her lap. The Kurilian Bobtail loves to be cuddled. He is rarely afraid or shy and doesn’t quickly hide from people. This playful breed is an excellent hunter; it loves everything that moves. The Kurilian Bobtail is also known to be a good mouse catcher. Coat care is limited to a weekly brush.
Physical Characteristics
All patterns and colour varieties (except colourpoint) are allowed in the Kurilian Bobtail.
Body, legs and tail
The Kurilian Bobtail has a large, compact body and is very muscular. He also has strong legs, the hind legs being longer than the front legs. The strong legs make this cat a great jumper. The most characteristic feature of the Kurilian Bobtail is its pom pom tail. The tail is about 8 cm long and can be spiral, angular or kinked.
Head, ears and eyes
The head of the Kurilian Bobtail is wedge-shaped and has well-developed cheeks. His ears are medium-sized and stand high on his head. At the tips of the ears, tufts are visible. The large, walnut-shaped eyes of the Kurilian Bobtail are slightly slanted.
Kurilian Bobtails usually have a semi-long, silky coat. There are also short-haired Kurilian Bobtails. The cat hardly has an undercoat.
The weight of the Kurilian Bobtail is between 5 and 7 kg.